The written response will include instructions for a second appeal if you are not satisfied with the response. You will receive an official written response to your appeal within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt.
In order to request an appeal for an EAP application not acted upon in a timely manner, please submit a written request for a review of your case along with all relevant facts to your LSP. You have the right to request an appeal if your Energy Assistance Program (EAP) application is not acted upon in a timely manner once it has been received by the Local Service Provider (LSP) administering EAP in your area. Please do not appeal directly to IHCDA prior to appealing to your Local Service Provider. If you need assistance with this procedure, please email IHCDA at or call 31. IHCDA’s Community Programs Manager - EAP will review your appeal and issue a response in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days of receipt. This request must be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of the LSP’s appeal determination. You can work with your Local Service Provider to have them submit the appeal for you or you can submit it directly to IHCDA. If you are not satisfied with the Local Service Provider’s determination, you may request formal review by the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority (IHCDA). The Local Service Agency will review your appeal and send you a written response within fourteen (14) calendar days. You must send your appeal to the Local Service Provider within thirty (30) days of receipt of the denial. We will research your concern and make corrections accordingly.If you feel you have been wrongly denied, or that your benefit amount was calculated incorrectly you may file an appeal. If you are a provider and you believe any information is incorrect, please contact us. No mechanical exhaust vents in all children's restrooms. No MRO-certified, 5-panel drug screen in file. Transition to Table Foods Type of correction needed: Rm 1: disenfecting wipes, can of lysol spray, bottle of goo gone, can of febreeze, glass cleaner in an unlocked cabinet accessible to children, dish soap labled "Keep out of Reach of Children" and spray bottle of table sanitizer on the counter accessible to children, Teacher's purse on floor by desk accessible to children.Rm 2: handsanitizer in an unlocked drawer accessible to children, dish soap labled "Keep out of Reach of Children" and spray bottle of table sanitizer on the counter accessible to childrenRm 4: dish soap labled "Keep out of Reach of Children" on the counter accessible to children, lysol spray on top of a low cabinet, lysol spray and disenfecting wipes in an unlocked cabinet accessible to childrenRm 5: hand soap and Ajax dish soap labled "Keep out of Reach of Children" on the counter accessible to childrenRm 6: dish soap labled "Keep out of Reach of Children" on the counter accessible to children Health/Food/Safety/Sanitation Inappropriate discipline Type of correction needed:Ī teacher inappropriately disciplined a child by smacking their hand in response to her hand being smacked by the child. Staff, substitutes, and volunteer records Type of correction needed:Ĥ of 7 staff members missing documentation of physicals. Rm 2 chairs were stacked on the tables while the children were outside but not unstacked before the children came into the classroom. Indoor furnishings Type of correction needed:
Rm 5 has a sliding door on a low cabinet that is broken. Rm 5, Rm 4 have holes in the closet doors.
Paint peeling in all rooms on the shelves by the windows and the whiteboard trays. Building maintenance Type of correction needed: Staff in several rooms did not wear aprons, hair nets or gloves when serving afternoon snack. Staff hygiene Type of correction needed: Reporting child abuse or neglect Type of correction needed:ġ of 7 staff members missing documentation of current Child Abuse and Neglect training. Rm 4 purse in closet accessible to children.Rm 3 shaving cream in closet accessible to children.Rm 6 bottle of bleach in unlocked cabinet accessible to children. Poisons, chemicals, and hazardous items Type of correction needed:
Inspection Type/Date Action needed to correct issue Date Resolved Licensing